I am having trouble finding a time when I am not holding one of my 3 children. Finally, I have a few moments today where I have 2 free hands to type with. Reagan and Pierce are sleeping AT THE SAME TIME!!! For some reason Pierce has decided he doesn't like to nap during the day. Part of it is my fault because it is somewhat difficult to stay on a strict schedule in this house. And who ever thought it was a good idea for preschool hours to be from 9-2? That is right smack dab in the middle of nap time. So every M,W,F I have to wake up both Reagan and Pierce from their nap. Such a pain. Plus, 9-2 just isn't enough time to get much accomplished. If I was sending Emerson just so I could have an easier time at home with 2 kids I wouldn't send her. Not only is it a hassle to get everyone fed, dressed, and in the car ready to leave by 8:40 but then I have to unload everyone and take Emerson inside to her classroom with the other 2 in tow rain or shine, cold or hot. Then once I get home, it is almost as if I am just turning right back around to go pick her up. But, Emerson loves school and it great for her socially. Sorry, I am probably going to go off on a few tangents today.
Next one; last week alone I spent $100 in co-pays for the kids. And, I will probably getting some bills in the mail for my 20% of labs, tests, etc. What is the point of medical insurance if you are going to go broke anyway trying to keep a family of 5 healthy? I should just start going to Parkland (the county hospital) and get treated for free. I mean, the whole reason we have a messed up insurance system is because we are picking up the slack for people (most not even US citizens) who don't pay for health care. Maybe I just need to move to Canada. If you haven't seen the Michael Moore documentary "Sick" I highly advise watching it. VERY THOUGHT PROVOKING AND MADDENING AT THE SAME TIME.
The never ending co-pays leads me into my biggest frustration I said I would get into. M.A.D.D. aka Mothers Against Dumb Doctors. If you a doctor reading this I apologize. I am referring only to doctors I have had experience with. In fact, I absolutely LOVE my ob-
gyn, she is awesome. For those of you who don't know we have been trying to find out why Emerson is severely anemic. To go back almost a year, I started noticing (along with her teachers) that Emerson was becoming very lethargic and not looking at all healthy. She has always been a very picky eater and eats very little of the foods she likes. She is very petite, at almost 4 she still wears a 2T and some of those are too big. However, no one but me and my family seem to be concerned that she isn't gaining weight. I suggested to her pediatrician that I think she may be anemic because I am also anemic. He totally disregarded my concerns and said that it was highly unlikely because it is very rare for a toddler to be anemic. He wouldn't even test her. So, a couple of months pass and she develops pica, a condition where you eat non edible things due to mineral deficiencies or mental disorders. She literally destroyed our walls because she would take bites out of the corners and eat the dry wall. So, I take her back in with my concerns and research on pica. Still, he doesn't think it is anemia. He thinks she is acting out because of the upcoming arrival of Pierce and to bring her back after she adjusts. If it continues he would refer us to a psychiatrist. Well, I was not okay with that answer and I insisted on a blood test. It is so simple, they do it in their office. All it entails is a finger pick and a drop of blood to test for a hemoglobin level (just like checking your blood sugar). When the number came up as 9 (it should be around 13) the nurse said, "oh I must have left alcohol on her finger, let me do it again." With the second reading being the same, she brings in the
dr. and he is shocked. ALWAYS TRUST YOUR MOTHERLY INSTINCT. So he put her on iron drop supplements. We had to give her 6 times the daily value you are supposed to have to bring her levels up. He wanted us back in a month to check her levels again. After 4 weeks we come back and have her levels checked. They rose to 11 (still somewhat low but better). He told us to continue the iron for 1 month and then stop and that would be the end of it. There was no question as to WHY she was anemic especially since it is evidently so rare. There was no checking her levels again before stopping the iron. There was no checking the levels again to see if her body was retaining the levels without the supplement. I am not a doctor but that just seems careless. AND IT WAS. Literally a week after we stopped the iron, the systems returned. We end up going to a
gastroenterologist because there is concern she is losing blood internally. She is then scheduled for a
colonoscopy and endoscopy. He said there is no reason (other than medical) why a toddler on an "
American junk food diet" should be anemic. Well, he finds nothing but tells us to put her back on the iron and he will check her levels again in a month. Same story, a month later her levels are back up and then he tells us to stop cold turkey...the end. Wait, what? Haven't we already gone down this path? Didn't you say there is a medical reason she is anemic? Shouldn't you refer us to someone else to find the answers? There needs to be a next step. I just don't get it. I have completely lost faith in these doctors. It seems like half the time they have no clue what they are dealing with, so lets just IGNORE it and HOPE that it goes away. Or, is this a ploy to keep bringing you back until they get it right so they can make more money? I just don't get it. COMMON SENSE. Maybe I should just become a pediatrician myself and treat my own kids. Needless to say, I am now doing my own investigating and will be taking her to a hematologist (blood specialist) in hopes he can lead me in the right direction.
You would think that was it, but it is not. Now I am having to deal with Reagan. I have been concerned for some time that Reagan isn't talking enough. She is only 19 months and I know every baby develops differently but Emerson was way more verbal at that age. And I used to work with children with disabilities including speech delay so I have seen some red flags. Again I brought up my concerns about her language to her pediatrician and he dismissed them again. Be patient, it will come. Did he ask me or remember that she has had recurring ear infection? NO! Well, after this last ear infection last week and a week full of
antibiotics I saw some slight improvement in her attempts to say words. Coincidence? I don't know. Anyway, I took her to an audiologist and the tests were concerning. Right now they are showing some damage in her right ear (the ear with all the ear infections). Is is permanent? We don't know. Could that be affecting her language? It is hard to say. Again, ALWAYS TRUST YOUR MOTHERLY INSTINCTS and pursue every avenue. I'm sorry I rambled on forever but this just infuriates me. We go to doctors in hopes that we can trust them with our precious children and then to be dismissed because we don't have a medical degree is insulting. We know our children better than anyone. They need to take that into account. I am in the process of finding a new pediatrician who is also a mother. I think that will make a BIG difference. Mothers understand other mothers.
So, if any of you reading this knows of a great female pediatrician who also has children of her own let me know. Anyone in the McKinney, Frisco, Allen area. Also, please keep Emerson in your thoughts as we try to get to the root of her anemia. We have been off the iron for about 10 days and I am already noticing signs her levels are dropping again. There is no way I will be taking the doctor's advice and waiting 4 months to recheck her levels.
Next week is going to be busy. Reagan has another appointment with the audiologist and Pierce has his 4-month check-up. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? He will be 4 months on the 29th. Wow, where does the time go. And then of course all the Halloween festivities!!! But after that comes the dreaded Christmas shopping. I can't believe that time of year has come again. Have a great weekend everyone!!!