Our family has been passing around a cold with one another over the past couple of weeks. And I am its latest victim. Just when we finally get a beautiful weekend we are stuck inside because both Reagan and I feel crappy. I can't believe how much it has rained in the month of October. So much so that we had a very muddy adventure to the pumpkin patch on Thursday. Let's just say we were covered in what could only be called a mixture of mud and most likely cow dung. Fortunately I was able to salvage our shoes after a good 30 minutes of washing them outside and then in the washing machine. I would have been just sick if Emerson's brand new tennis shoes from Stride Rite (they were $45 which is expensive for kids shoes) were ruined. Luckily they look good as news. Emerson is such a tomboy. She loved every minute playing in the mud with her best buds Cade and Jace. Yes, her best friends (really the only friends she ever talks about) are boys. Her teachers at preschool say that she only plays with the boys. Jamie better watch out because we may be having lots of boys over to our house as she grows older.
Anyway, back to the cold. On Friday night I had to take Reagan to Acute Kids because she was screaming for hours to where I couldn't comfort her. It turns out she has a nasty ear infection. Her pediatrician must have missed it because she was in with the same symptoms just last week. More on my frustration with doctors in another post. Well, I was feeling okay (just a slight sore throat) until Saturday morning. When Pierce woke up and wanted his bottle I wanted to crawl under the covers and stay there all day. I felt and still do feel horrible. Unfortunately the days of resting to recover are a thing of the past. I have 3 very dependent children to take care of. Lets just say the weekend has seemed to drag on forever. And as most of you know Jamie works all weekend so I literally had no relief. My mom did take Emerson to her house for a few hours but I was still left with a very sick and cranky toddler. And to top it off Pierce was unusually fussy yesterday too. Even though we are not 100% at our house I still feel really lucky that none of us have the swine flu because that has been a huge anxiety for me lately. I am so worried that if Emerson catches H1N1 that her little body and weak immune system won't be able to fight it off. I have even contemplated taking her out of school during the flu season but was reassured by my pediatrician that the chances of dying from H1N1 are just the same as the seasonal flu. I wish the media would quit blowing this out of proportion so paranoid mothers like me can sleep a little easier at night. There is so many confusing, contradicting information out there that it just gets to be too much. I just have to have faith that we are all going to be okay. Plus Emerson just loves school and I really think it is important for her developmentally.
I am hoping that I can feel better soon so we can all enjoy some of this beautiful weather before it rains again. I really hope it doesn't decide to get too cold too soon because I haven't had time yet to buy winter wardrobes and coats for the kids. I guess I better hurry up and do that pronto considering we never know what this Texas weather is going to do. Next post I fill you in on why I have decided to start a group called M.A.D.D. (Mother's Against Dumb Doctors). I am not really starting a group, just being sarcastic because I have completely lost faith in doctors as of late.
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