First off, I want to apologize for my extremely long blog the other day. I really went off on a tangent that probably came across very pessimistic. My anxiety about Emerson's anemia showed in the form of extreme frustration that I had to take the opportunity to vent. Strangely enough it helped me relax and look at things from a different perspective. I think that I had just spent so many countless nights unable to sleep because I am so afraid that there may be something more serious going on that we haven't found yet. What a negative way to think, right? It seems like a lot lately I have found myself worrying about things that I have no control over. I need to just have faith that everything is going to turn out okay. And you know what, it always does.
I have come to realize that I can't expect for doctors to know everything. They are human and make mistakes just like the rest of us. Before Emerson started having these issues I really liked my pediatrician. So, I think I am going to give him another chance. I go in Thursday for Pierce's 4 month check-up and I plan on going in there with a renewed sense of confidence that he is doing the best that he can. I will give you an update on Thursday. I think maybe it is just me. A lot of people recommended this doctor to me and I know a lot of other people that use him too that just love him. I need to have a different approach and just relax. I tend to be a little high strung sometimes. I'm sure a lot of you can attest to that.
You know, despite the few minor health issues the kids have had, I am so, so, so lucky to have 3 beautiful, healthy children. Especially considering the high risk pregnancies, I have been so blessed. I consider each of my children my own little miracles. After 7 months of bed rest with Reagan and going into preterm labor with her several times, it is just amazing that she was born full term completely healthy. I follow some blogs of moms who have had micro-preemies that survived but do have lots of medical issues and some who have lost their precious children. I can't even imagine the strength it must take to move on from that. I find these women to be so inspiring. My concerns about the kids are just minuscule compared to some families. I really am so lucky. Not only do I have beautiful, smart, sweet children but I get to stay home with them and watch them grow into amazing little people. I definitely have the best job in the world. And I have my hubby to thank for being such a great father and provider for all of us.
So, I will move forward with the process of finding answers to Emerson's anemia with a positive attitude.
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You have such a beautiful family and 3 beautiful children! You are truly blessed!! (I know about that bedrest thing...I spent 5 1/2 months on it with Presley.)