
Synapses Are Firing Like Crazy!

Now that Reagan's ear are free of fluid, her language is coming along at lightning speed. Yesterday we were shocked that she said "sorry" after she dropped something. We have never asked her to say that word. She is a little sponge, soaking up everything around her. I really enjoy just observing her and how much she is learning on a daily basis. I am so thrilled about her new spontaneous language. I was really beginning to worry that she had a language delay when really all she needed was some antibiotics to clear up her ear infection (that was missed by our pediatrician). Thanks to a late night trip to Acute Kids with a screaming toddler, followed by an hour waiting at Walgreens, we have a talking toddler. Not only is she communicating, but she seems happier. Once again, I trusted my instincts and KNEW she had an ear infection. I should have just bypassed our pediatrician and went straight to Acute Kids. That would have saved me a $25 co-pay. They should have a return policy. If they miss a diagnosis, I should get my money back.

A little about what Reagan is doing now at 19 months:

~she copies everything her sister does

~she LOVES her baby brother (her first word was baby, she is more excited to see Pierce in the morning than me and she is constantly kissing him)

~she would rather drink her diet than eat (LOVES orange juice)

~she is OBSESSED with Dora

~she is developing a cute, quirky personality

~she loves shoes, sunglasses and jewelry....uh oh

~she is climbing on EVERYTHING, it is only a matter of time until we will be going to the ER for stitches


~she wants to stay at school with her sister when we drop her off - yay! NEXT YEAR!!!

~she takes everything away from Pierce (toys, blankets, pacifiers, teethers, bottles....you name it, she wants it)

~she has discovered how to take her diaper off (let's just say I have cleaned up more pee than I would have liked in the last few days....solution: panties over diaper)

~she causes our house to look like a tornado has been through 10x over on a consistent basis

~she loves baby dolls, and is very good at acting like a mommy.....so cute!

I guess I should let you know what is going on in Emerson's world next post.

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