SNEAK PEEK OF WEDDING PHOTOS - more to come as soon as I get them

I am so, so, so glad that Pierce did AWESOME with the cry-it-out method!!! It only took 3 nights to completely extinguish the crying. I was shocked. And, in those 3 nights he probably cried less than 2o minutes. Knowing this now, I wish I would have done this months ago. I feel like a new woman. I'm not really getting that many more hours of sleep but the sleep I am getting is uninterrupted. And, I have at least 2 times during the day where I can lay him down in his crib to nap and I can get stuff done. What a relief! He is such a big boy. He turned 7 months on the 29th. I can't believe it. He's even holding his own bottle now - which helps tremendously. I was counting the days until he could feed himself. That just gives me 20 minutes x 4 times a day that I have 2 free hands to fold clothes or wash dishes.
Back to the whole sleep issue. I did not sleep train Emerson when she was a baby because, let's face it, she was just plain spoiled. I picked her up at the slightest whimper. With Reagan, I wasn't about to make that mistake twice so I started sleep training her at 2 months and she is the best little sleeper. With Pierce, I had every intention on sleep training him early as well but couldn't because of his reflux. When he outgrew his wedge, I was terrified to put him in his room, afraid I wouldn't hear him if he were to choke. So, he slept in bed with us - me, Jamie, and Emerson (yes, most nights Emerson would make her way into our bed and I never took her back to her own room - another big no-no!). So when he started rolling over on his tummy to sleep on his own, I knew it was time for his own bed but I procrastinated until Jamie put his foot down. What can I say, I hate to hear my children cry and Pierce is my last baby, he is going to be a mama's-boy. I mean, who would want to see this beautiful smile turn upside down? By the way, he loves to swing outside with his sisters on their swing set from Santa.
Well, if we were going to kick Pierce out of our bed than Emerson needed to go too! Too bad that hasn't gone as smoothly. But, I am proud to say that we have not caved and she has slept in her bed all night the last 3 nights. Wahoo! I seem to wake up feeling a little more energized and with a few less neck and back aches.
2010 seems to be the year where I stop letting my kids "run the show" so to speak. I admit, I have been kind of a push-over and not really a stickler for rules. I am still really laid back when it comes to parenting, but having a 3rd child really added to my stress level and I'm not as lenient as I once was. Emerson is sent to her room, Reagan sits in time out, and sometimes Pierce has to cry when I have ANOTHER load of laundry to do and can't hold him. I mean really, I think Supernanny would be so proud. A few weeks ago she would have ripped me to shreds. Maybe it has something to do with having a four year-old who now talks back to me or child entering the terrible twos or a baby who cries whenever he can't see me. Sometimes I just want to lock myself in my room and never come out. There are lots of those days, but there are many more filled with pure joy. I also have a four year-old that is absolutely brilliant and an almost two year-old that is just as smart and adorable as she imitates everything her big sister does and a baby who just loves to snuggle.
Emerson is going back to school tomorrow after Jamie and I decided to keep her home the month of January to give her little body some R&R after her procedures. I think she is excited but she is worried she is going to miss me too much. Isn't that so sweet!?! I am having reservations because I am worried about her immune system and all the germs that come with preschoolers. I let her play in the play area at the mall 2 weeks ago and she got a stomach virus....that traveled throughout the house- so NOT fun! It seems her body can't fight off anything. And the last thing we need is to be constantly taking all 3 kids to the pediatrician every week - that can get expensive quick. I am, however, looking for those 2 days a week with just the babies. It's weird, the difference between 2 and 3 kids is tremendous. But if you were to throw a 4th in there I don't think it would be all that much harder. No, don't get any ideas. I have no desire to have 4 children.
Okay, here I am typing away instead of going to bed. I have found myself these last few nights (of which I finally have all the kids in bed before 9) staying up late doing not much of anything. Instead, I need to be catching up on some much needed zzzzz's. So, I'm off to dreamland - hopefully filled with pleasant ones.
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